The Venkatesh Foundation helps to uplift the rural people by empowering them to address the economic inequality with financial literacy.


The Venkatesh Foundation is living to help and ease other people’s lives. In today’s time, empowerment is needed in most parts of the country. We thrive and work hard to contribute to the community as much as we can. The Venkatesh Foundation has been working hard to provide facilities in various fields for years.


We work for the development of Health, Finance, Art Education, and empowerment. Our foundation is doing great work to implement new changes in areas. Whether rural or urban, we want to create enthusiasm and awareness amongst the community’s people. The Venkatesh Foundation has worked in numerous areas for development and will work the same as always. Our goal is to enhance financial literacy and work on the economic inequality of the country by empowering people and businesses.


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Our main aim is to work with companies and provide them with a helping hand for speedy growth and excellent outcomes.

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