In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence.

Jamsetji Tata

The Venkatesh Group in the Community

We thank the country and the people for helping us where we have reached today, and we would love to serve our people back. We aim to extend our support towards the unprivileged and the marginalized communities. The main mission of our group is to help the people with urgent needs like food, education, and more which they don’t have due to the lack of resources. We try to help people by taking tons of initiatives in various fields as given below.

Globaly renowned & trusted

Empowering People, Empowering Nation

  • Empowerment
  • Education
  • Health
  • Agriculture
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We are associated with a broad range of development projects related to skill and entrepreneurship training, livelihoods, and women empowerment. Venkatesh Group is dedicated to encouraging and empowering people by assisting them in honing the skills they need to succeed in the business.

  • Mentorship by successful entrepreneurs
  • Custom made strategy for business growth
  • 360 degree solution to start business
  • Training to develop business skill and strength

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We at Venkatesh Group are highly dedicated to providing education on financial literacy, skill development, and providing education to children who cannot attain it. We at Venkatesh Group have established various education institutes and education feasible to the marginalized communities.

  • Our goal is to have 100% student enrollment
  • Educating Students about financial literacy
  • Entrepreneurship education
  • Skill development.

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The Venkatesh Groups consider the lack of quality and professional healthcare services in the community. We conduct regular eye check-ups, blood donation camps, polio shot camps, and donation camps to ensure people receive proper medical needs.

  • We offer healthcare camps in schools for children.
  • We are working with doctors and gynecologists for women and adolescent girls.
  • We offer sanitation services.
  • We thrive to offer quality medical services.

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The Venkatesh Group is committed to help farmers with the required materials they need for the betterment of agriculture. We are dedicated to providing good, efficient agriculture service at reasonable prices so that more farmers can benefit from their agricultural products.

  • We teach farmers about updated techniques in farming
  • Satisfying the farmer’s needs
  • Encouriging farmers by honoring them every year
  • Connecting them to the market, to get better returns.

More Information

Visit these sites for more information about The Venkatesh Group

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Venkatesh Foundation

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