Pratam FinServ Private Limited, a company licensed by Reserve Bank of India to work as a Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) offering its expert services to the large Indian, Micro Business owners and other individuals to move towards main stream finance options. 


India is expected to emerge as one of the leading economies in the world over the next decade in light of a positive economic scenario. The Micro Enterprises (M.E.) segment is expected to play a significant role in the emergence of the Indian economy. Robust and steady growth of this segment is extremely critical to meet national imperatives of financial inclusion and the generation of significant levels of employment across urban and rural areas all over the country. The steps we take today will define the way forward for the Indian economy.


Pratam identifies a unique opportunity to impact Micro Enterprise (ME from MSME), covering large funding gaps left open for NBFC by Banks. It is this gap that is serviced by a formalized lending process to Micro Enterprises, the heart of India also referred to as “the missing middle” market, Pratam has gone to market, addressing this gap through its business model and loan offers. Lending to MSMEs is recognized as priority sector lending by the Reserve Bank of India. However, the credit gap is only getting wider, as traditional banks struggle to serve this market.

Visit the website for details

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